On May 24th Ashton will be 6 months old! I can't believe 6 months have passed since his birth. Pregnancy seemed to last forever but since Ashton is here and I am helping him experience the "outside" world, I can't believe half a year is over. Ashton was born 2 days before Thanksgiving, a Thanksgiving I will never forget. This little man came into my life and my life has been joyful ever since. I love being a mom, it has been more than I ever expected. Of course, there was a time when I gave up expecting to be a mom. That was a difficult time in my life. So much of my energy was spent being sad even though I put on a good face. I tried my best to not let my sadness affect the joy other people had with the birth of their own children. I did find a way to cope with the sadness, it involved babysitting and spending time with my amazing niece and nephews. I have always loved taking them places, playing with them, and buying them things. It is hard to believe that they are so grown up now. Cole is 18 and graduating from high school, Charlie is 14 and finishing 8th grade, and Sydney just turned 12 and will start 7th grade in the fall. I am so proud of the 3 of them. They are amazing kids and I love spending time with them as teens, but I miss them needing me or enjoying my silliness. If I say something somewhat silly (which used to be funny to them,) they are totally embarrassed. Embarrassing them does have its charms, but I miss the genuine laughter over something I said that was funny or how they seemed to look up to me. Taking a strong interest and playing a role in their lives helped me to cope better with my infertility problem. I love them so much and am so glad they are a part of my little Ashton's life. He has 3 wonderful cousins who love him and I know they will be good examples so he has someone to look up to.
Cole Christensen, age 18. He is going to go to Westminster College on a ROTC scholarship. He is a talented lacrosse player, excellent student, and motivated kid.Charlie Christensen, age 14. Charlie is a self taught musician, excellent student, amateur wood worker, and thoughtful kid. He is very witty, reads a lot of books, and plays lacrosse.
Sydney Christensen, age 12. She just turned 12 but acts and seems older. She plays lacrosse, loves to hang out with friends, and loves to make jewelry and decorate cakes. She and I have been taking cake decorating classes together. It is something we enjoy doing together.
I can't believe how little Ashton was when he was born. He has gotten so big, is so interactive, and is such a happy baby. I am making an effort to enjoy every little moment of his life. I want him to know how much I wanted him in my life, how much I love him, and how I will keep trying to be a better person every day because of him.